
Membership is open to all with an interest in Ordnance Survey maps and mapping, whether as professionals, academics, collectors, historians, enthusiasts or simply users of OS maps. By Ordnance Survey, we really mean Ordnance Surveys - our interests and studies extend to Ireland and Northern Ireland and their respective Surveys, as well as the Ordnance Survey of mainland Great Britain. Why join CCS? The benefits of membership include:
UK Membership costs just £15 a year. Family, overseas and corporate membership is also available. You may join ONLINE or BY POST. ONLINE To join online click on the appropriate category in the table below below.
STANDING ORDER Note that you can set up a Standing Order to automatically renew your membership annually here
BY POST To renew by post, send a cheque or postal order in £ (pounds sterling) for the amount appropriate for your membership from the Table above, payable to Charles Close Society, to Stephen Braim (CCS) , Newlyn, The Purlieu, Malvern, Worcs WR14 4DJ, with your name and membership number
GIFT AID To make your subscription go further why not Gift Aid it (UK taxpayers only). Gift Aid brings added income to the Society at no cost to you. Download the Gift Aid Declaration Form and send the completed form to the Membership Secretary at the address shown.